Well lets start by saying that perfect to me is Brown Hair and Brown Eyes and goes by the name Jenni Leigh. Every now and then I will take a peak at what Jenni Leigh is up to and it is always praising someone else. For someone that takes care of so much she deserves to be praised.
Ok let me explain what I think Perfect is.
1.Perfect wakes up with the little ones without hesitation
2.Perfect never complains
3.Perfect puts up with a
stubborn husband
4.Perfect still will talk to me on the phone even though she is out to the world
5.Perfect puts up with deployments,
TDY's and schools
6.Perfect seems to know how to fix anything.(even if it is made up)
7.Perfect will tell me to Man up
8.Perfect is Beautiful
9.Perfect knows how to reign me in.
10.Perfect is my best friend
11.Perfect is Perfect and never think other wise.
I love you Jenni Leigh