OK - heres the latest update on Little O. Turns out he is a thumbsucker....I know it completely goes agaist Scotts and my parenting style to allow this hard habit, but look....isnt he so-o-o-o cute? He seems to have picked it up in his sleep, and I am not going to stand over his bed and pull his thumb out throughout the night. He does however suck it during the day too, and rubs my hair when I am holding him. I love it! He is so lovable! He seems to be growing everyday and developing new skills as well. Last night he rolled over from his belly to his back and it scared him terribly.....mainly due to the fact that he couldnt get himself back over. I rushed in and saved the day and put him back on his belly and we finished the night with good rest and no more acrobats. He loves to take a bath...and he swims like a fish in the tub until I sing the "rubby dubby" song to him and then he lays back and relaxes with a smile while I wash his hair. After bath he eats and goes to bed and sleeps all night. What a great baby. From H to K to B to F to D to little O; God has blessed us with amazing children. Everyday I wake up to a new reality of how blessed we are to have such an awesome family. God is good even when we are undeserving and He provides even when numbers dont add up. 1,2,3,4,5,6..... what do these numbers add up to? Peaceful insanity, never a dull moment, lots of hugs and kisses, daily tears, childhood fears, lots of boo boos, more laundry than any one person should have to do, lots of yucks at the dinner table, and too many dirty fingerprints on my walls to count.....but most of all a lot of love. Little O is an awesome addition to our family and I am amazed daily by the joy he brings to all of us. We love you Little O!!!!!