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What was Scooter Boo's role in the Easter festivities? Body guard to Baby Scoot of course. Someone had to keep Little "O" from being trampled under the feet of those savage egg hunters. I guess next year Little "O" will be out there with the best of them filling his bucket too, and Scooter Boo will be protecting "O"s baby brother. By the way, in case you didnt know we will be blessed with the birth of another baby boy in August. Surprise!!!!!
I was going to take a picture of my laundry room to show the extreme horridness of it, however I decided to spare myself that embarrassment. Let me just let you know, it is a disgrace!!!! I dont even know where it all keeps coming from. Dont get me wrong, I am not retarded enough to not realize there are 8 people in this house creating the mountain. I guess what my thought can there still be a mountain after I do 3-4 loads a day? I was so tempted to take it all to the laundromat yesterday but Little "O" is now mobile and not quite as containable as he was a few months ago. I may just have to suck it up and go anyway. Laundry can give you an overwhelmed feeling and I cant stand that. Ok, I guess that settles it I am going to pack up and head to the laundromat. See ya later.
Ok, so I have tried decently hard not to be a complainer. I try to see things in the best light possible. However, there are days like today (or I guess I could say this whole weekend) that I just feel jipped. Dont get me wrong, I love my husband, I love my kids, in general I am in love with the life that I have. However, since my Scooter Boo took this blasted job that I feel like he took for my sake; I never see him. And then on the occasion that he has a day off, it rains like a mad hatter. I know some of you may see this as a great opportunity to have family time cuddled up on the couch, but all I see is a waste of my day. I count on this rare occasion to go off away from my everyday surroundings to escape the monotony of what life seems to be everyday. Please dont read this the wrong way. I would never trade my life as the goodmorning kisser, the lap that always seems to be full of someone (usually "D" or "F" when they can manage a moment when Little "O" is not the occupant), the boo boo healer, the best pb&j maker in the world, the one who teaches my children reading and spelling and math and life in general, the one who sees into the soul of my children by listening to their nonsense mixed in with some major revelations, the only woman who can fix "yuck I'm not eating that" 2 nights in a row, the lover of my husbands soul, the one who gets to be the first to hear all of Scooter Boo's funniest life stories, the one who gets to smell Little "O" first after his bath, and the list just goes on........ . Back to my previous thought, I just want to escape into a different world on these days when Scooter Boo is home and we can be a family. Even if we go to the exact same place to eat every Saturday, it just seems different. I guess because this is a place we go when we are a family. We just dont get much of these days anymore. I know "get over it, it could be worse, he could be in Iraq" but it just seems more torturous to know that he isnt and we still get near nothing. I am yearning for the day when we get Scooter back. Just a warning, I am getting ready to say something very harsh but please dont take it the wrong way. I am getting tired of being a single mom! What is worse is it is really beginning to show on me. The girls notice my lack of tolerance more and more each day. WE NEED A CHANGE!!!!!! WE NEED SCOOTER BOO!!!!!!
There is a very ugly word at our house....PENICILLIN!!!! Look at that pitiful face. He doesnt even have a smile in him today. I guess if some of your sisters are allergic to penicillin, chances are you may be too.
Look at that ear. He keeps itching and itching it. Ironically, it was that ear that he was taking the antibiotic for anyway. Now we really have a problem! Another problem is that I really need to go to Walmart (again) but I dont want people to think that I have brought a baby with the plague with me. I guess I could forgo my trip to the store if it werent for the fact that I need more Benadryl. Maybe CVS will pass me some through the prescription window.
Ok, am I the only one who sees a massive bandaid and a teeny tiny boo boo? "D" decided to doctor herself up after a run in with the corner of a piece of cardboard the other day. She decided I was not taking this matter seriously enough. So she decided to make it serious. These massive bandaids were bought for a large gash in "H's" leg that incurred after falling out of a tree. I bought them for their extreme stickiness and their extreme waterproofness and their massive size. So now we have a serious situation! It was torture to try and pry this bandaid off such delicate facial skin, not to mention the lovely lock of hair that was caught in it. Hence we have a very unhappy camper in this photo with a teeny tiny boo boo and a massive bandaid problem.
If you know anything about me, then you know that when given a stressful day or even a day that just requires a little R and R; McDonalds here we come. I guess you may think that a McD's playground is the farthest thing from relaxing but to me I am able to sit with my kids fenced in on a playground that has a never ending fountain drink machine inside. And as we all know 3 cups of Diet Pepsi and all stress seams to disappear and you begin to feel as if you can rule the world again.
On this particular trip to my distorted version of a spa, Little "O" discovered the huge statue of Ronald McDonald himself. He was amazed by the gigantic feet this clown had. I dont usually let him make a habit of investigating feet but this was too cute. He rubbed them and patted them and began to do a little comparison between his own shoes vs. those massive red ones. He has been an extremely observant baby when it comes to his feet from the time he was 4 months old. I hope he doesnt think he will grow those massive feet if he eats too many cheeseburgers.
Here's a little tidbit of info to spark some thought.
* 10 year olds are stuck in the middle of being too old and too young for almost everything
* did you know that 5 little girls sharing a bedroom induces slumber party affects every night?
* did you know that once you put all the girls in one room there is no turning back?
* by the way, I cant stand bunkbeds
* hey, did you know that ADD and dyslexia resemble each others symptoms?
* can you believe that I am just now seeing that I may have been dyslexic my entire life and just simply have passed it off as a laziness towards reading.
* did you know that my Scooter Boo is going to read this and think that I am diagnosing everybody with dyslexia just because we learned about it last night?
* did you know that when you homeschool your children you are always looking to find answers to the mysteries of teaching and learning difficulties?
* did you know that coffee runs freely through the veins of the telephone system connecting my house to my bff's house? (that means after our conversations I feel an awesome pick me up)
* did you know that if you go to Walmart too late in the afternoon your 3 year old will inevitably fall asleep in the car and then turn into a whiny monster when you wake her up to go inside.
* why dont I let her sleep? Because she wakes up at 3:00 am that night wide awake and talking.
* did you know that my 8 month old baby will laugh at my jokes even if he doesn't understand them?
* did you know that when you walk around Walmart with 6 children everyone wants to talk to you?
* did you know that everyone always tells the girls how sweet and well behaved they are? I must admit I couldnt take them all with me if they were any other way.
* did you know that sometimes I am just overwhelmed with love for my family and the life that we have. God is so good to us!
That's right ladies I am the winner when it comes to a man in uniform. Be it military fatigues or an orange vest and a hard hat, that's my babies daddy. Um Um he does make that git up look quite sexy. Rock on Scooter Boo!!!!!
Ok, My baby isnt much of a baby anymore. He is trying to walk and thinks he is the man when he is doing so. At least I still get those baby moments when he holds his blanket and sucks his thumb while I rock him for bed. However, I guess I need to give him the best walking start I can, so Stride Rite here we come.
"It's not really that hard daddy. You see, first you push this button, then this one, and then add a little drool, and then press enter; and voila a totally reconfigured computer program. By the way your new password is: My daddy can beat up your daddy.......I spell that Dada baba boo."
....there's a baby in the tubba.....washin' himself all clean. That used to be the song I sang as I washed little "O" in the sink. Now, all I do is struggle to keep him in the sink. He has learned to stand up and try to crawl out. So needless to say, I have no time to be cutesy anymore. We are in for business and out in a flash. I do have a lovely picture of his acrobats however I will spare him the emabarassment of flashing all his glory to the world.
Little "O", what are you doing in a homeschool picture? Oh yeah, you are a part of the class too. I don't think "B" minds you helping with her work. In fact, I think we all enjoy your little sneaky pencil thief tactics. Your ninja daddy would be proud. A little distraction never hurt anyone....sometimes it actually helps.
My sweet, diligent "K" always seem to be the one who works nonstop to accomplish all your work. Even when everyone else is pleading for a break or a snack, you seem to push on. What a great student you are.