To My Dearest Daddy
I would just like to say how much I love you and appreciate all you are to me and Scott and the girls and the boys!!! I tried to send this little birthday wish to you via the email yesterday but all I got was a return saying it was unable to send it!!! Sometimes email makes me so mad!!! However this is my only other way to get this message to you. I hope you dont mind the rest of the world knowing you are another year more seasoned. We love you and wish we could have been there with you yesterday but I hope this will make up for it. I love you Daddy!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Haircuts....From 1 to 4 in Two Days!!!
My Little Porcelain Doll

When Baby "L" was born, some friends of ours gave him this beautiful dedication/christening outfit. I guess with the move we werent able to dedicate him at our church so instead I dressed him up and did a little mini-photo shoot with him and this is what I got. This sweet little porcelain face made me fall in love with him all over again. Dont you just want to kiss those chunky little cheeks?

This is a full body shot, and as you can see he isnt all that sure he likes his little baby doll look!

And as you can see here, he is checking out his little gittup. "Mommy, does the smocking on here make me look fat?"
Little "O" Says Doctor
For anyone with children, waiting for your baby to talk is like watching to see water boil. You sit and you repeat things over and over and over trying to get that satisfaction of that one word and yet to no avail they refuse to say anything. Well up until a few days ago Little "O" vocabulary was limited to "ball, Daddy, Mommy, baby, sissy, and tea" did I mention his favorite word is ball. He says it ALL THE TIME!!! Well, the other night we were sitting down to our family pizza night and we were discussing the fact that "H" needed to go to the DOCTOR (which by the way is the meanest word you can say to "H"). Big Papa then said he needed to go to the DOCTOR as well for something he was dealing with. Then out of the blue this sweet little voice beside me shouted out "yeah DOCTOR"!!! I nearly fell in the floor with disbelief, but then he said it again and realized we would cheer for his new word and so this is what we caught on tape after this burst of brilliance....
Merry Christmas!!!!

Well, I would say the best Christmas present this year (after the birth of our Saviour) is God's gracious gift of a new house five minutes away from Big Papa's work. We have actually had the ability to spend this entire Christmas break with him and life has never felt so sweet!!! We are living in our answer to many prayers!!!

Of course you could just look at these faces and see just how happy everyone is to be close to Daddy again! Minus the tired boys who weren't sure they were convinced Mommy's photo session was all that fun.

Now, we are one big happy family again!!!! And no they do not all sleep in the same bed, even though that sounds super fun to them!!! They do however have unique sleeping arrangements. One is actually using my closet as a bedroom. Can you guess who? (hint: he is small enough to fit in a bassinet) But like I said, they would sleep like this every night if we would allow it!
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