Friday, December 28, 2007
Welcome to Bethlehem Gultch

Well, Christmas is past and we have had so many wonderful things to do. However, the most fun we have had this season is watching H and K perform in the homeschool choir Christmas production. They both had solos and were GREAT!!!!! I am a proud momma of my little songbirds. Dont they look so cute? They both played cowgirls and enjoyed dressing the part they wore their gitup for a few days after the first production. I cant wait until the spring musical!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christmas at Nana's and Pepa's

Wow! What a fun time we all had. This was our first long stay at Nana's since Little O was born. We had a blast.

Have you ever met an angel on earth? I have! In fact I've met 2. Grandmother and Granddaddy are two of the sweetest and most loving people I know. They are always there to give sweet hugs and always seem to be so free with their uplifting spirits. Merry Christmas Grandmother and Granddaddy!!!

Here are Scooters bros family. Arent they just the cutest? The girls love to see them when we are on vacation. Not to mention Little O loves to try and pull the babies hair. They look so cute together looking at each others babyness.

And here is Scooters sis with her two love bugs. Her daughter looks just like her as a little girl and her son took on his daddy's look but his momma's sweetness. I could just kiss him until he giggles.

And last but not least Nana and Pepa. Or as they like to refer to themselves as Mr. and Mrs. Claus. I dont remember what was so funny but it sure makes for a great picture. Thanks for entertaining our troops for our extended stay. We had a great time. Merry Christmas!!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A Tribute to Abe

Ok...I do not profess to be an animal lover, I have a smell phobia against them, and my children seem to be allergic to the dander they produce. However, today I realized how much I owe to this wonderful dog, Abraham. As of yesterday afternoon Abe has not been doing so well. Big Papa put Abe in the back of the truck for the kids and me to take him to the vet this morning. After an examination the vet thinks that Abes kidneys and liver are failing. We had to leave him there for the night and I walked out with 5 distraught little girls. I feel hypocritical for the emotions I am feeling myself. In fact I am having to fight back tears even writing this post. I have this massive lump in my throat, and am praying that no one calls and hears my emotion over a dog. The fact of the matter is that this massive warrior has always placed himself as the protector of our family through two deployments and way too many schools and trainings to even count. His bark has kept many salesmen at their distance and has scared off many stray wild animals. His loyalty to our family is honorable.
I Love a Man in Uniform
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Baby Talk
Ok, my baby boy is talking (ok, babbling), but it is soooo cute!!!!!! Am I a little offended that he chose to say dada first? Nah, I just love to hear how excited he gets to hear his own voice. Man, I could just eat him up!!!
My Men
We Are Thankful For All Our Children

We had all the kids eating at one table on Thanksgiving. My parents bought this beautiful square countertop table and it fits all 15 grandchildren minus Little O. As I stood there looking at that table full of beautiful kids I realized what treasures we have all been given. From the teeny tiniest to the tippy tallest I am truly thankful for each child that has been brought into this family.

My Little Cinderellas

Poor Little O.... it was just to much commotion for this little guy. I think the hum of the washers and dryers put him to sleep. Next year we'll put him on laundry duty too. Ha Ha!!!! Doesnt he look massive in that tiny carseat?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Two Little Monkeys
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Sweet Images
Off to the Fall Festivals

Friday, October 26, 2007
Children Stay Off the Counter!!!!!

This is D. D decided to climb on the couter in our kitchen and then proceeded to take a dive off backwards landing on her back and head. This is her begging to go to sleep. However, after a good dose of cheddar whales and cool juice....

....she was back to her smiley self. Now I just have to be on constant watch for signs of concussion. One more thing added to my list today. Needless to say, I dont think Miss Priss will be back on my counter any time soon.
When It Rains....

.....and the natives are standing on their heads....

....pull out the playdough and watch what amazing creations they make. This is a little Guamese (H's word) girl praying for the rain to stop. We also had three cars with complete families, a couch with a mommy cat and a baby kitten, and the smallest playdough baby in the world. I wish the camera would have done a better job at capturing them all but this was the only displayable picture. My camera makes tiny things blurry. Well I'm going to get back to yet another rainy day.
Monkey Boy

Little "O" is On a Diet

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rainy Days
Saturday, October 20, 2007
To My Scooter Boo!
Jenni Leigh
"Happy 7th B-Bear"

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Other Side...

15 Kids and a Campfire

Here are half the girls ......

....and here are the other half.

Adventures in the Park

Happy B-Day "H"

Happy Birthday to "H" !!!!! This is one fun kid to give presents to. Especially when it is something she likes. This year all we needed to remember was kittens and crocodiles and it was a success. 10.... can you believe that? It seems like just yesterday we were in Guam trying to come up with a name that would fit our first born; planning out what she would be like when she grew up. We couldnt have planned for a more perfect baby. She has been such a wonderful beginning to our ever growing family. Everyday I look at her and realize our time with her is growing shorter by the minute. Everytime I blink she seems bigger and more independent. Now we are venturing into preteen years and I am a little nervous. My baby isnt a baby anymore.
Monday, October 8, 2007
For Dr. S....She's the Best
Not So Happy on Milk
The Cat Whisperer

Hey...watch this...
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Happy B-Day Scooter Boo!