Look at our little Indian Princess......what a sweet beauty she has become. She seems to be maturing much faster than I wanted but she feels the urge to be like her big sisters. There are days I forget that she is still little. What a sweet innocence she seems to have. She is in love with her family and loves to be reminded how much she is loved. Look at that face doesnt it just beam with sweetness. Sweeter than sugar or in our case Nutra Sweet. What a great party we had with the cousins. Lots of sugar and plenty of fun. Memaw and Pepaw were there too. Memaw made B's favorite meal (spagetti)! Its the simple things in life that make times more enjoyable. I must say Memaw makes a mouth watering sauce! Um Um Good!!!! Ummm......cake!!!! Happy Birthday B-Bear!!!!!
what a great picture of your mom and dad, so sweet!
oh, and i loved your nutra sweet comment, you crack me up!
Happy birthday B!
(October is a busy month for you guys! Do we get to see pics from YOUR birthday?)
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