This was a great playground for Little "O" except for the fact that the water was seen as an enemy to him. He walked right up to the water as soon as we got there but when the fountain shot up in the air he was done. That was just too weird for him. He enjoyed playing on the sidelines and drinking all of the sprite that the girls had.

"H" was not one bit put off by the freezing cold water. Instead she quickly made new friends and was off to a water gun war while her sisters sat wrapped up in their towels shivering.

"K" must have very thin blood....She was out of the water and wrapping up in her towel before anyone else. She shook from the cold the entire time we were there. I guess thats what you get when you go to the water park before it is even time for it to officially open.

And then there was "B" who seemed to love the water almost as much as "H"... minus the desire to make friends with the boys who brought the water guns for war. "B" only deals with boys when she has too, or unless they are the "W" boys, and who can resist those sweet fellows.

Strike a pose....that seems to be "F"s motto lately. I simply called her name to get her to turn around for the camera and suddenly she drops to the ground and pulls out her most pretzeled pose. She and cousin "M&M" must be sharing modeling secrets when they are together.

....and who can resist that face? It was that sweet Little "D"s face that landed us at the water park in the first place. She bats those deep brown eyes and plants on that sweet "you know I'm too cute to say no to" smile and the next thing you know you are there wondering how in the world did I get conned into this. And then you pull out the camera and there right in front of you is that little face that started it all.
1 comment:
Yay for close-ups of all 6! They are beautiful. I can't believe how big they are.
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