What good daddies these children have. They were dedicated to the march on the ocean. 2 daddies 10 children.....minus Little "O" who decided the ocean water was not his thing.....marching out to the never-ending fun of wave jumping. When low and behold...

....these brave men spotted something in the water. Notice they are peering out in the deeper water. Two seconds later they come running with with the children close behind. You see my husband who fights for this noble country is terrified that he will meet his demise face to face with a shark. I guess his anxiety is contagious because our good buddy fell prey to the fear as well.

My Scooter Boo felt this was a much safer depth of water to play in. Luckily the kids enjoyed playing along with the shark attack theme. What can I say that's my man!
Those are some awesome men! We did so good didn't we!!! You are such a good story teller, i laughed my #** off!
It was a real SOMETHING in the water!! Too bad I didn't have my gun with me at the time, bye bye fishy. Oh well, this is the story of one that got away. I wonder how hard it would be to shoot a fish over my shoulder while running out of the water?!? L
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