Five wet little girls in a pool.....How crazy am I? To tell you the truth it was actually very easy. Everyone could touch the bottom in the shallow end except "D" and she wore arm swimmies the whole time. I did find myself constantly counting 1-2-3-4-5 , it was worth it and we had a wonderful time just playing. The food and fireworks were pretty good too.

A little later Big Papa showed up for the festivities and of course Little "O" spent the rest of his time chilling with Daddy. Aren't they so cute in their little sun hats. My two sensitive skin men I just love them so much!!!! Watching them together makes my heart melt. That little boy loves his daddy!!!!!!!

Humh!!! Life is not fair!!! I just want to take these silly arm thingies off so I can swim too. Little does she realize that she will sink to the bottom like a sack of potatoes if she jumps in with no floaties. Sometimes you just have to make them a little mad to keep them safe. Poor "D" keep eating your spinach and you will eventually be big enough to swim free style.
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