Look at that beautiful sight!!! This was the beautiful sight we saw as we looked out our window. 4 inches of snow and it was still snowing!! We eventually were blessed with almost 6 inches of this peacefully beautiful stuff.
It was still pretty early when the kids decided to put on every piece of clothing they owned to venture into their answer to prayer. Everyone was so excited and happy to walk out the door for the first time.
Even Baby "L" was enjoying this new adventure....
"H" was probably the most excited. She knew this meant that all the neighbor kids were going to be home from school for a day of never ending fun. She was right....
"K" was excited too but a little concerned about Big Papa because he went on to work (gotta bring home the bacon)...
"B" was a complete shocker for me. She is usually very timid about things but she was all about this day of fun. She was suited up and there was nothing that could stop her (even the neighbor boys starting a snowball fight)....
"F" was so cute out there! She was more concerned with showing Little "O" the snow that she forgot about her coat until after he went in and she realized this stuff is cold!!!!
And my Little "D" ....her body temperature is always a little warmer than everyone else's, so she kept taking her coat off and leaving it everywhere. "This thing is too hot" is all I heard from her all morning. I did however catch her in the beginning partially bundled and what a cutey.
Then there was Little "O" .....needless to say, he was terrified of the snow!!!! He started out fine until the snowballs formed on his pants and he couldnt get them off. Things that seem weird to him set him over the edge. He doesnt like to see things floating in the bathtub beside him either. You gotta love him....
Here is our last attempt to win Little "O" over to the fun of the great white powder....As you can see, his little feet are refusing to touch that stuff. He pulled his legs up everytime anyone tried to get him to walk in it. It was funny .....My little warrior he is yet to be!!!
My goodness Jenn, K's hair is so long and beautiful. She is breathtaking in that picture! I mean, all your kids are cuties but that one, that picture is awesome. Oh, am SO jealous of the snow you had.
I love this one. They all look so cute. It looks like you got a lot more snow than we got
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