"H" took $70 and bought a babydoll from a specialty shop because she thought it looks like her as a baby. She then came home and became a photographer and a supermodel as seen here in this shot with her new baby....
....a week later we went to Memaw and Pepaw's to celebrate "fake" Easter. Its what we do to keep both sides of the family cool with who gets to have the kids for "real" Easter....not to mention the kids love finding eggs twice...yum, yum!!! ......
....Little "O" discovered the joys of Easter egg hunting for the first time (last year he sat and watched)....
.....there were lots of games and prizes and everyone had plenty to laugh about afterwards....
....Uncle "J" discovered that if you give Little "O" an audience, he will talk you under the table (whether you understand what he is saying or not)....
....Cousin "M&M" had a birthday party and we ate lots of cake....and Memaw did the traditional cha cha to celebrate another great year...
...."H" entered Penny (our neighbors dog) in a local dog show and came away with honorable mentions. Her dream is to get a dog of her own and train him to be a Eukanuba (sp) champion. She was so sweet strutting little Penny around the floor. You go girl! ....
.....somewhere in all the hustle and bustle the boys got a bath.....
....Easter morning we drove to Nana and Pepa's to celebrate "real" Easter (dressed in our new Easter dresses and matching outfits for the boys (dont judge me!) They were pretty as a picture, and everyone had a great time hunting eggs again with their cousins on this side...
.....even Papa "D" came, which was great because we havent seen him in quite a while. Soon we will have to go to his house to visit his "better half" since she is unable to travel right now I hope he makes us some of those brownies he is always talking about....
....all in all we had a great time with Nana and Pepa and were on a sugar high for a week after we left...thanks Nana!! ......
....a week later we had a birthday party for Little "D" she turned 5 can you believe it? This was her first "friend" birthday party and she had a blast. We had finger foods, cake, ice cream and games. It was an official party.....
....a few days later we drove to pick up my nephew "J" to stay for about a week...he and Little "O" were "tight" while he was here. Little "O" still asks about him daily....
....and last but not least I have passed on my love for Diet Pepsi to a cute little small fry named Baby "L". Hey maybe thats why he wont sleep at night...just kidding he only gets a sip here and there. A little DP can do a body good...besides look at that chunk ....I dont think he is lacking in the calorie department....!
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