In the midst of the crazy computer crash, my little girl turned 7. Do you know what 7 means in this house? It means you are no longer a little girl, now you get to do big girl things....like ride with your big sisters around the block (as long as you check in every 2 laps), and she officially hit the age of inviting a friend to dinner for her birthday dinner. Somehow we accumulated a few more when we returned home. (No biggie)

To start "F"s big day, Big Papa took her out on a lunch date to a local Mexican diner where they enjoyed laughing at each other the whole time!!! Then she went back to work with Daddy so he could show off his big girl to the rest of the shop.

Then she came back home and we began the traditional birthday bake off. "F" made her own cake with a little help from yours truly and once we put it in the oven...we ran upstairs and created a personal salon in my bathroom....

....We curled hair and put on a little makeup and painted fingernails and toenails; you know all the things a big girl gets to do. "F" was the envy of all my girls who dont usually do those things without a special occasion. And in the end...

...We had a beauty queen in our presence!!! It was a fun day and a big eye opener to what a big girl is supposed to do. My "F" has always been such a breath of fresh air to me, but this day she seemed to breathe sweetness into the air that I just wanted to bottle and hang onto for those days when life just stinks...Lord help me every day to remember to breathe in her sweetness so I dont overlook the joy that she brings to all of us daily. Amen.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I can't believe she's 7, Jenn. Already? Wow. Looks like she knows how to celebrate in style. :)
Happy Birthday sweetie, you keep getting prettier and prettier every time i see you.
Love Always,
Uncle "R"
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