Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Little Gliche....
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
One of Those Days...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
To My Hunkin Hotty
Happy 14th
Because you know how much I love math...heres a little math equation for you...
14 years /7 children = 1 child every other year
Your Jenni Leigh
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Happy B-Day Fal!!!

To my beautiful Fal, Happy Birthday!!! I cant believe that the years are moving this fast. You have blessed our lives for 8 years and it seems like just yesterday you were born. You were this teeny tiny thing with such delicate features.(In comparison to your sisters as babies) I just stared at you with be so tiny you sure came into this world with a jolt...from that day foward you have been a mover and a shaker. A force to be reckoned with...I love that about you and have really learned that is how to stay afloat in this big family for you. You are never put to the back burner because you never let anyone miss your presence. What a beautiful girl you are and such a sweet love in my life. I love you sweet thing...Happy Birthday!!

After lunch we set forth to begin the cake making tradition. Fal adorned in her daddy's sweatshirt (to protect her pretty dress) went to work and had a blast pretty much going solo this year. It makes me laugh how much my kids find joy in this simple task. It just goes to show, no matter how much you want to make you kids happy, its usually the sweet and simple things that go the furthest.

Its party time...Fal invited a girl down the road to join in the festivities and we began cake, ice cream, presents and the movie.

Trick candles...what!?! This was our first attempt at these things and it became a little annoying after a while. Lets just say again...simple is better! Fal decorated her cake with the entire container of sprinkles (sometimes More is More!!!)

Hey how did you know I wanted this? It was present time and that is always fun around here. You would be surprised what these kids find at the dollar store for their sisters. Whats even more surprising is how the b-day girl likes those gifts best. If only we all could appreciate the silly things in life. It might make life more fun for all of us.
100 Degrees...Lets Go To The Park...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Happy B-Day Super "O"....

Next was the traditional Daddy lunch and a trip to Daddy's work. "O"s birthday fell on Sunday this year so no one was at work, but it didnt matter it was the fact that he got to go with Daddy. They ate Zaxby's and went and messed with all the cool equipment on base and just had guy time. This was "O"s first time going on the traditional birthday lunch and he is already talking about next year when he gets to go again.

For anyone who does not recognize the amazing artistry demonstrated there on the cake, Super "O" requested a Spider Man cake! Really?!? I thought I had at least a few more years before he would even think about super heros. WRONG!!! Thats all this little guy talks about. He has never even seen a super hero movie except "Astro Boy" and Astro Boy looks nothing like Spider Man. Maybe it is just inborn in little boys, maybe thats how all that crazy comic book stuff even got started. Its just a natural born need in little boys! Anyway enough ranting....TaDah here's the Amazing Spider Man Cake!!!

Party Time.....As you can see the cake was a hit and everyone couldnt wait to eat it!!! We love cake around here, especially Super "O". Dont ask me how he manages to will his body to not have severe allergic reactions from the milk and eggs in it but he eats it and enjoys ever last bite of it.

If ever you wanted to see a truly appreciative gift he is!!! This kid loves presents, and it doesnt matter what it is! He loves them all!!! Of course he loved all the spider man stuff and candy the most but everyone received such gracious hugs from him after each gift. Graciousness makes everyone have a good time!!!
I'm An Aunt Again....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lil' Gangsta' "O"
I am not really good at letting my kids listen to music that seems derogatory or implicit of different meanings, but we have been very intrigued by the song Jump On It (thanks to youtube's videos of military guys spoof dancing to the song). Well, I am assuming that we watch the dances a little too much because my Little "O" has decided that this is his new theme song (with a slight change of wording). As he dances he sings Jump Off It and then takes a dive for the couch. I know bad parenting 101 says dont allow children to stand on tables or jump off tables to other furniture but sometimes a mom just gets such a kick out of her kids spontaneity that anything (almost anything) goes. This kid cracks me up!!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Little Miss Six....

My Little "D" is 6!!! I cant believe she has grown this fast. She is my baby girl!!! I guess shes not such a baby anymore, but it is hard for me to swallow that she is getting older. Thankfully she is the one that will probably always want to be the baby. She may have 2 brothers under her but she will always be "the baby girl"!!

All the kids look foward to their birthdays because they get to enjoy a daddy/daughter lunch and a trip to the base for the guys there to dote over them. You know they arent babies anymore when they tell you that 2 of the guys were cute. Lord help us!!!

Of course, next came the birthday cake making tradition. Little "D" has talked about making her cake since Christmas. I guess there is something about being able to do something so messy and gooey without having to share the task with your 6 siblings. I must say, in one year "D"s abilities have really improved. We had a minimal mess and the cake turned out excellent!!!!

After a quick trip to Ryan's for dinner (this girl loves Ryan's & they sang happy birthday to her...which she loved!!), we came back to the house for cake and ice cream and a little present action.....present time, present time, open the present and see whats inside!

And what would a birthday party with Memaw and Pepaw be without a conga line? Not a real birthday party!!! Happy, Happy Birthday....Happy, Happy Birthday.....

Of course the best part of all was Little "D"s new bike!!! She was tired of being the baby in the bike line when the girls and the neighbors go bike riding. She wanted a bike that was big not little. Well, she got it and the smile has not come off her face yet. Happy Birthday "D"!!
What If....
All The Baby Daddyz...
For anyone who thinks they know my Scooter's a little video to make you rethink your thoughts!!! This is the man I live with everyday and grow deeper and deeper in love with because he is always game to make me laugh. Scooter this is for you..."you make me RaRaRaugh!!!"
For those of you confused about this video...go to and key in 'baby mamas put a sling on them' and you will see what we are spoofing. We love our sling time with Baby L and this song says it all.
Friday, April 16, 2010
A Look Back At The Beginning...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The G-Side Talent Show

Cousin "A" played the guitar as Pepaw read his Christmas poem and Memaw reminded us how happy she was to be blessed so greatly this year!

Cousin "M" sang a sweet rendition of the solo she sang for her church Christmas program. She represented her family strong and proud and did a great job!!!

Uncle "J", Aunt "M", and cousins "N" and "I" were the comedians in the group. They each had funny Christmas jokes that started us off with laughter. Thanks for adding to the fun guys!!!

My "B" sang Joy To The World and it was great!!! To be so shy and timid she sure has a heart to sing in front of crowds. We also put together a musical spoons production but because I was in the program with the kids we have no pictures or videos. Even Little "O" and Baby "L" played the spoons with us. It was so fun!!

Then there is the one member of the family whose talent comes natural....Baby "J" has the talent of being Super Cute!!! He doesnt even have to try, he just is!! Keep up the good work Baby "J"!!!
And last but certainly not least Big Bro "J" represented his family with a lovely rendition of "Bad To The Bone"! Sing it brotha'!!! With cousin "A" on the guitar Uncle "J" broke into his soulful self and out came a star. See the G-Side's got talent!!!
Merry After Christmas From the G-Side Kids!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!!! 2010
The video is for you my Scooter Boo! They were all sad to not be kissed by you so they sent you a kiss via the blog!!! Ill save my kiss for when you walk off that plane! So hurry up!!! These lips have been missing you for quite a while!