To my beautiful Fal, Happy Birthday!!! I cant believe that the years are moving this fast. You have blessed our lives for 8 years and it seems like just yesterday you were born. You were this teeny tiny thing with such delicate features.(In comparison to your sisters as babies) I just stared at you with amazement...to be so tiny you sure came into this world with a jolt...from that day foward you have been a mover and a shaker. A force to be reckoned with...I love that about you and have really learned that is how to stay afloat in this big family for you. You are never put to the back burner because you never let anyone miss your presence. What a beautiful girl you are and such a sweet love in my life. I love you sweet thing...Happy Birthday!!

To start the day in the best possible way, Miss Fal dressed in her favorite dress and readied herself for her lunch date with Daddy. Look at the smile that comes over her face when she is ready to leave. Of course, the guys at the shop do a good job of making the kids feel special when they come to the shop.

After lunch we set forth to begin the cake making tradition. Fal adorned in her daddy's sweatshirt (to protect her pretty dress) went to work and had a blast pretty much going solo this year. It makes me laugh how much my kids find joy in this simple task. It just goes to show, no matter how much you want to make you kids happy, its usually the sweet and simple things that go the furthest.

Its party time...Fal invited a girl down the road to join in the festivities and we began cake, ice cream, presents and the movie.

Trick candles...what!?! This was our first attempt at these things and it became a little annoying after a while. Lets just say again...simple is better! Fal decorated her cake with the entire container of sprinkles (sometimes More is More!!!)

Hey how did you know I wanted this? It was present time and that is always fun around here. You would be surprised what these kids find at the dollar store for their sisters. Whats even more surprising is how the b-day girl likes those gifts best. If only we all could appreciate the silly things in life. It might make life more fun for all of us.

After lunch we set forth to begin the cake making tradition. Fal adorned in her daddy's sweatshirt (to protect her pretty dress) went to work and had a blast pretty much going solo this year. It makes me laugh how much my kids find joy in this simple task. It just goes to show, no matter how much you want to make you kids happy, its usually the sweet and simple things that go the furthest.

Its party time...Fal invited a girl down the road to join in the festivities and we began cake, ice cream, presents and the movie.

Trick candles...what!?! This was our first attempt at these things and it became a little annoying after a while. Lets just say again...simple is better! Fal decorated her cake with the entire container of sprinkles (sometimes More is More!!!)

Hey how did you know I wanted this? It was present time and that is always fun around here. You would be surprised what these kids find at the dollar store for their sisters. Whats even more surprising is how the b-day girl likes those gifts best. If only we all could appreciate the silly things in life. It might make life more fun for all of us.
Happy Birthday Fal and thanks for reminding us what really makes people happy. You really do look beautiful in your party dress!!!
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