One last photo op at the beach...as you can see some are more entusiastic about this picture than others. Baby "L" showed me exactly what he thought of all the photo opportunities.

All of the sudden "H" had a plan and she needed the assistance of all her sisters to make it work...

She enlisted "K" & "B" in her plan to create a fort in the sand...and they worked nonstop working towards the goal...

..."K" worked diligently as we all knew she would because that is her nature...she is a workhorse with great work ethics...

..."B" on the otherhand got mad at the mastermind engineer and decided to take a break and search for seashells as far away from the fort as possible...sometimes a little space is like a shot of good medicine...
Baby "L" chased birds and "B" chased Baby "L"!!! I guess that helps to ease an angry soul too!
"F" decided the beach was the perfect place to work on her cartwheels for gymnastics class. Did you know that she can do 10 cartwheels in a row and still stand up and not fall over dizzy. I was quite amazed!!! Scooter, you know you would have turned green and vomitted after rotating your head that many times. "F" apparently does not have your equilibrium issues.

Sweet "D" sat and daydreamed about being a mermaid in the ocean for about 5 minutes.....then she decided to tell me her daydream which took 30 minutes to tell. She then decided that Little "O" was a bad hoo-man who was trying to capture her so she decided to do this to him.....

...yes, that is my Little "O" buried up to his neck in the sand. Now how do you think she convinced him to let her bury him? I had a hard enough time trying to convince this boy that the beach was fun and here he is buried in it.

In the end they all came back together and finished their fort as a united team of builders and it turned out to be quite a nice display.

Here is the finished product! Too bad when you back away to fit it all in you lose the detail but it was a sweet complete project. Now back to the real world. Maybe we can go to the beach again when Big Papa comes home. Vacations just arent vacations without the man who owns all these kids hearts (not to mention their mommas)!
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