We as a family decided to not elude our children with the illusion of a Santa Claus persay, but more with the reality of where the whole Santa Claus idea originated. If you ask any of our older girls if they believe in Santa they will probably say yes, but then go on to tell you of the first Santa Claus. This has been the reality in our house for some time now. However, this year we have encountered a little kink (or should I say a little child-like belief). With little or no introduction to the concept of Santa, my Little "O" has developed an extreme love of this character. He tells everyone who will listen, "Santa Cwaus wuv me!"
Well, today at the girls dance studio guess who showed up?!? "Santa Cwaus!!!"

As you can see, my Little "O" was his best friend!!! They walked together and talked together. "O" just stared in amazement at this jolly figure of Christmas. He has talked non-stop this afternoon of his adventures with Santa Cwaus. He is so excited about him that it almost makes me get a feeling of belief. If only we were kids again, with that utter excitement of what Santa would leave under the tree just for us, because we were soooo good this year. Believe if you want my Sweet Boy, you are only little once!

Like I said, they did a lot of talking! We now know what cookies he likes and what the reindeer like to eat and that all bellies in the north pole are made of jelly.
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