My Daddy had hip replacement surgery at the beginning of the month. Wow, what a trooper! He has recovered exceptionally well except for the fact that he has a crazy doctor or nurse (I'm not sure which) that keeps overdosing him on medication. Now that he has taken his pain relief and his blood thinners into his own hands he is doing magnificently. We are so proud of you Daddy!!!!

My Mom turned 60, but she doesnt look a day older than 29! I guess she must still use Oil of Olay to keep that youthful glow about her. Maybe I will be lucky enough to look that young on my 60th birthday too. The girls decided their Memaw needed a young, hip cake and not a gloomy black one. A fun cake for a fun Memaw.

My children became natives and painted themselves for the dance of "Mosquitoes Be Gone". I bought them a big sidewalk chalk set to keep them busy at my parents house. I guess it was supposed to be instructed to them that the chalk goes on the sidewalk and not each others faces. Can you guess what color the bath water was that night?

Little "O" discovered a love for the sound of hard plastic toys hitting the new hardwood floor my parents just installed throughout the downstairs. I must say they were so good about humoring this little guy and actually found some laughs in watching him roll this plastic shape sorter from room to room as if it was a rubber ball. What can I say this boy is all boy when it comes to noise and destruction. I can only guess my parents breathed a sigh of relief to hear quiet the night we packed up and came home.

And last but not least we delivered a beautiful baby boy on the 22nd of August! Baby "L" weighed in at 7lbs 13 oz and a short little 19 3/4 inches. As much pain as this little booger gave me you would have thought he was going to be a full grown football player when he was born, but he was this sweet tiny thing. He did enter the world as a little stinker ( literally he was shooting poop the whole way out). He gave everyone a lovely bath with the water before that so I guess he had things a little backwards, but thats ok I think I'll keep him. He is a cutey!!!!!
1 comment:
Yay! He is beautiful Jenn! Congratulations to all of you. :)
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