Now, I know you are all probably getting a little sick of my sentimental postings lately but hey I just had a baby.....what do you expect? Tonight I am sitting here drowning in my self pitious state and wishing my Scooter was here to laugh at me and bring me back to reality. Instead, I spend my nights wishing he would call so I could just hear his voice and he could say something completely distasteful and make me laugh and say "YOU ARE SO GROSS!!" Actually I would really like to hear a little sweetness in his voice and an endearing comment of how much he misses me too, but anyone who knows my Scooter, knows that would just make us both laugh. I am getting sick of the telephone relationship we seem to be living currently and I am tired of pretending that it is all ok. The fact of the matter is that this SUCKS!!!!! I know that these situations are tests of faith and are used to make people stronger but my goodness I think it is time we get a break. This has been going on too long. This in its own weird way sucks more than our separation during deployments. I guess it all just BITES!!!! and I am just caving to the feelings of missing my man. All in all, phone relationships STINK and I will be glad when we are reunited and I can complain about something stupid like Big Papa's obsession with leaving his toothbrush in the bathroom sink. NASTY!!!! I know but it is funny what you miss!!!! I MISS MY SCOOTER BOO!!!!
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