It is usually very hard to catch my newborns with their eyes fully open and looking at the world. I guess usually the flash makes them close those little peepers just as I take the shot, but this little fella will have nothing to do with closing his eyes. He is constantly looking around trying to figure out this new world he has now landed in. I just sit and soak in those baby blue eyes (while he still has them) and wonder why this time is going so fast. Do you realize he will be 4 weeks old tomorrow? He is still teeny tiny to me but I know that it will seem like tomorrow and these days will be over. He is so precious to me and it soothes my soul when he is crying and I sing to him and he stops immediately and looks into my eyes. It is as if he knows that I love him to the core of his being and will always try my best to comfort him in his time of distress. I love this sweet taste of heaven.... you know..... the weeks after you deliver your precious angel and it is as if you are that much closer to understanding Gods love for you; the love that comes not because of what you have done but simply because you exist. We love our baby without the need for him to do anything spectacular, but because he was created through us. God also loves us not because we have done anything spectacular but because we were created through Him. Wow, what Love!!!!
wow, he looks like big brother O! i can't believe how he's changed. happy four weeks little L!
Very nice blog - encouraging words pointing and giving glory to God our Savior! What a beautiful family.
I really need to get in touch with Scott. Please tell him to call Mel Lockhart. I emailed him my number which I think he lost when he left Winstream. I hate to ask this on your blog but I don't have any other contact information.
Wow, you are certainly living up to what we had planned back in elementary/middle school of having 10 kids! You're almost there! Your children are so precious and I see so much of you in them. Your newest addition is so adorable! I found you through Sharon's blog, who found me through Facebook. I'm so happy to finally get back in touch with you after so many years! I hope you and your family are doing well.
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