Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

To My Hunkin Hotty

14!!! You changed my life 14 years ago when you whisked me off to that distant island and gave me your last name. Things have never been the same since. I love our life together...I love that we started out with no one other than ourselves to turn to...I love that we love each other even when things seem bigger than us...I love that you laugh at things that arent funny...I love that you make me laugh at things that I should be crying over...I love the joy I feel when we get those rare moments of being alone...I love that you have given me 7 wonderful children who remind me of you all the time...I love that when you're gone it hurts...I love that you are compulsive (or is it ADD)...I love that you have weird quirks with noises...I love that I can drive you up the wall with simply humming...I love that you always find the one sticky spot on the floor to put your foot in and look surprised everytime...I love that you are a hunkin hotty...I love that you dont get mad when I expose you on my blog...I love that you dance ghetto...its sexy...I love that even though we have been together 14 years, it seems like just yesterday we were that silly acting newlywed couple that made people vomit...shoot it makes me vomit to watch us flirkin' on our old videos, but it was new then and you have a way of making us feel new today (without the vomit). You are an amazingly wonderful husband but most of all you are my friend. I know you will always be there to keep me smiling even in the most inappropriate times. I love you Scooter Boo!!!

Happy 14th

Because you know how much I love math...heres a little math equation for you...
14 years /7 children = 1 child every other year

Your Jenni Leigh