Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Little Gliche....

Ok...I know that I left this blog in a very bad way, and I apologize to all 5 of you who follow us on here. After my last mean and self pitious entry my outlet to the world (aka my computer) went down and I was too lazy to try to figure out how to blog on Scooters Mac...I mean give me a break I have all one million pictures on this computer. Too time consuming!!! However, I am back and in a much better mood and I have a lot to catch you up on. We celebrated 6 birthdays complete with pictures and plenty of other photo ops that just need to be shared with the blog world. And for anyone who hasnt already heard, we have decided to increase our brood from 7 to 8...due to be delivered in April (hence the hormonal imbalance of the last blog). There are many other events that have happened or will be happening in the near future but for now I will leave with this blurp to let you know that the next 20 or so entries will be me playing catch up, so please bear with the fast fowarded past.