Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There Was An Old Woman.....

....who lived in a shoe.....or is it "who had too many shoes"?
Anyway, imagine this line multiplied by at least 4. Can you guess what our coat closet looks like when all the shoes are in there? No wonder I am constantly tripping over a shoe daily. There will always be someone who forgets where their shoes belong. One of these days I am going to create the multi purpose shoe. Church shoe, running shoe, play shoe, bedroom shoe all in one; that would be great!!!!!

Big Papa With My Papoose

Yes ladies, even my hard core military man can carry his young in a papoose. In fact he has decided that if I can make it in a more man friendly pattern, he will wear Baby "L" any time I need him to.

Look at the ease he has in eating and holding Baby "L"!!! I think he has a new job at home!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baby "L" In a Mini Photo Shoot....

Now that is one kissable baby!!!!!

Would You Like Fries With That?!?

For everyone who grew up in my hometown, you will be shocked to know that the first McDonalds built there is no more. The firemen from all around participated in a controlled burn as a training on Sunday. As my parents and the kids and I were on our way home from Sunday lunch we drove down the road following a billow of smoke. This is the image that will be engraved into my childrens heads for a long time.

As we sat at the stoplight watching in awe...we suddenly heard a big cracking noise and noticed the roof was caving. One second we saw this image...

...then the next, we saw this. The roof fell right in front of us! And the heat that was coming off the flames was amazing. I have never been so close to an actual burning building, and all I can say is that I give all thanks to the men and women who risk their lives to fight the fires everyday!!! What an act of selflessness. I am still in awe just looking at the pictures.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Gray Hair Giver....

Now look at this sweet handsome baby boy....does he look like he could do anything to give his sweet momma a gray hair? Well truth be known he keeps me worried! This little booger likes to throw 104 degree fevers at me every so often to see just how much he can make me run coo coo! I must admit, I have never been one to worry too much about sicknesses (except their inconvenience and the pity you feel for your precious one going through the sickness). However, this cutey has a way of making me want to pull my hair out trying to figure out what keeps causing these mega fevers. (Especially when all the tests show nothing except extremely high white blood counts) For a momma who has always been very proud of her lack of gray hair, it seems I now have one!!! Baby "L" is only 5 mos old. If he keeps this up I will surely be fully grayed by the time he is in kindergarten.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Gone Hikin'.....

Due to the unseasonal warmth, the family planned a quick trip up to the local mountain and took a little hike to get our blood pumping before the super bowl last Sunday. The kids were so excited and dreamed about it all night Saturday night. When Sunday morning came, they were pumped and could hardly wait for church to be over so they could go on their little adventure.

We followed the horse path because Scooter thought we needed to start easy before we get into the serious hiking. We did however have to take a small detour when we realized the horse doo was getting a little abundant and it was too hard to steer everyone out of the way. The detour was the best part to the girls. We were able to go on unmarked ground and climb over fallen trees and stuff. IT WAS GREAT!!!!

The best thing about following the horse trail.....what do you think?!? The horses of course!!!! We had to veer off the path a little so we didnt spook them, but boy were they pretty!!

For the most part, Little "O" and Baby "L" were carried in back packs and papooses, but when the trail looked overly easy, Little "O" was allowed to walk. And boy did he feel like a big boy. He galloped with a hop in his step. It was so cute!!! I cant wait until both he and Baby "L" can climb the hills along with their big sisters.

Speaking of the big they are!!! This was one of those moments when they sat down, and how convenient, they are in baby order. H, K, B, F, and D. My beauties...even when "D" feels compelled to make funny faces at the camera.

Ok, guys! Time to head back to the house so we can go to the Super Bowl party at Memaw's and Pepaw's!!! We'll have to do this again soon!!!