Friday, February 6, 2009

Gone Hikin'.....

Due to the unseasonal warmth, the family planned a quick trip up to the local mountain and took a little hike to get our blood pumping before the super bowl last Sunday. The kids were so excited and dreamed about it all night Saturday night. When Sunday morning came, they were pumped and could hardly wait for church to be over so they could go on their little adventure.

We followed the horse path because Scooter thought we needed to start easy before we get into the serious hiking. We did however have to take a small detour when we realized the horse doo was getting a little abundant and it was too hard to steer everyone out of the way. The detour was the best part to the girls. We were able to go on unmarked ground and climb over fallen trees and stuff. IT WAS GREAT!!!!

The best thing about following the horse trail.....what do you think?!? The horses of course!!!! We had to veer off the path a little so we didnt spook them, but boy were they pretty!!

For the most part, Little "O" and Baby "L" were carried in back packs and papooses, but when the trail looked overly easy, Little "O" was allowed to walk. And boy did he feel like a big boy. He galloped with a hop in his step. It was so cute!!! I cant wait until both he and Baby "L" can climb the hills along with their big sisters.

Speaking of the big they are!!! This was one of those moments when they sat down, and how convenient, they are in baby order. H, K, B, F, and D. My beauties...even when "D" feels compelled to make funny faces at the camera.

Ok, guys! Time to head back to the house so we can go to the Super Bowl party at Memaw's and Pepaw's!!! We'll have to do this again soon!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Ah, my most favorite mountain ever. Of course, I'm assuming you're at the one my family and I always went camping at since you now live very close to it, so we'll just go with that. Looks like you had fun!