Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday "B" Bear!!!

Happy Birthday "B" Bear!!!!! "B" is now 9, but she would not let us call her a nine year old until she blew out her candles! Quirky, sure but what would life be without my quirky girl? I love this kid!! She is always full of life and pizazz! She is a girl after my own heart. If you are down, she will be there with a goofy face or some silly comotion to get you laughing from deep within. Her laugh is contagious and so genuine; just like her!! She is true to the bone and wants to make everyone feel like they are the greatest! And she is always the one to find what she can compliment in someone else. "B" is just a sweet, lovable character and we love her soooo much. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To....

...celebrate with a 12 year old!

First, let her make the cake all by herself and not let anyone do anything to help or give suggestions.

Next let her decorate it with whatever she wants to (yes that is an 'Andes' chocolate mint square) and pray that no one reports you to the cake wrecks blog!

Just kidding, I think she did a pretty good job considering that we turned a burnt cake into a cat cake in mere minutes with no planning. Note to self: a cake made with applesauce instead of oil cooks faster.

Then take your 12 year old and hook her up to a harness at the mall and let her do this...

...jump so high that she forgets that other people are in the mall and squeals with such delight that her chicken sister wanted to do it too. She had a blast jumping to the ceiling of the mall, and this too was a last minute change in plans that turned out to be her favorite part of the day.

Then add a few the birthday conga line with Memaw and a hot wings dinner (for cousin "N")...

...invite a million kids and there you have a perfect 12 year birthday bash!!!

Oh yeh, buy another birthday cake for anyone who has germ issues and wont eat the kid crafted cat cake (or those who just crave store bought birthday cake)!!! The End!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Birthday "H"

Today is "H" s birthday!!! She is 12 (or almost 13 as she says). I hope she doesnt wish away her 12th year to get to 13 faster. I dont think my kids realize that I dont want them to grow up so fast. Just yesterday I was looking out a hospital window at a little house on the mountain in Guam (my focal point) laboring for my first sweet baby. Now look at us! We are sitting on skype together enjoying a webcam birthday call from Big Papa. My baby isnt a baby anymore, and she doesnt need me to hold her hand for anything anymore, but wow what a joy it is to watch her grow and become the mini-woman she is. I love that she is her own person and sees things in a way that it makes me look at things differently. "H" is a treasure to my soul. She keeps me on my toes and probably always will thanks to her neverending desire for mystery and adventure. I love you "H"!!! Keep growing and maturing (not too fast) and always look to Jesus for your next step and He will keep you on the right path. Just remember 12 or 112 you will always be my baby!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Please Forgive Me...

Dear My Dearest Sweet Sister In Law....

I pray that you will forgive me for this post. However, I received a little disk of pictures from someone whom I will refrain from naming and this image was at the very end. To my surprise I laughed a little and then became very devilish in my thinking and decided to use it as a form of blackmail or should I say blogmail. I hope you dont mind me adding this to my site but I just could not stop my fingers from pressing upload and publish post. I think you make a cute clown and I am sure your preschoolers thought you were the best teacher ever after this. I cant wait to see what you are for Halloween this year? Just joking! Thanks for making me smile.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Would Ya Get....

What would you get if one of the Jonas brothers married a Chia Pet and had children?!? ..........My nephew !!!

Just joking "A" know we love you and your "ponky" hair. The girls always talk about the night you stayed at our house and you let them put every hair barrett they had into your hair. Thanks for always being a good sport when it comes to the kids. Now get back upstairs and work on that music so you can make a name for yourself one of these days.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

1000 Words....

I dont know why, but this picture moves me....Look at Little "A" (my niece) standing there alone (there were 16 kids on this beach with did she manage to wind up in a picture like this clue) brave, and strong while those crazy looking waves threaten to come closer. Maybe that is how most people feel. Even when there are a lot of people around somehow they are finding themselves alone facing these unpredictable waves that threaten our ablilty to keep standing strong and brave. Thank you Lord for always being there to come along beside me in my alone times and give me the strength to face the waves and stand strong even when the sand seems to be shifting beneath my feet. Help me to always hold fast and keep my feet in You...My Rock!!!

Here Fishy Fishy...

While at the beach, my brothers, my dad, and my uncle "S" fished daily off the pier, enjoying the fact that the rains and the sudden wind change sent the fish jumping onto their lines. However, while the grown men were busy catching big fish; Little "O" managed to catch a little teeny weeny fish (with the assistance from his cousins and sisters). He didnt get the concept that fish will die outside of the water so we made him throw his fish back into the water every little bit. He would then manage to sucker someone else to fish him out again for him to hold. Now I remember why we never bring home fish from and fish tanks at Walmart. Not to mention Baby "L" would probably try to eat it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Papa

Sorry about the darkness the camera is messing up from the salt and sand from the weekend....

Happy Birthday Big Papa!!!! I thought you would like this video. The little voice singing out of turn is Little "O" but he was so happy to sing this for you!!! The girls and I miss you so much, the boys too, but birthdays are such a big deal to the girls and they wish we were all together today. Anyway I hope today is a good day for you and maybe you can find a piece of green bean cake to eat! Ha ha!!! I love you and miss you! Happy Birthday!!!