Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat...

Sweet Irelyn Jane as a pumpkin princess...considering this was her first halloween she seemed to handle all the hoopla pretty well. Luckily no really scary costumes came in our path and the biggest upset happened when our neighbors puppy "roxy" came bolting out of the house and scared the pants off all the kids. It was a little colder than we expected but all in all we had a good time.

Here's the whole crew + 2 getting ready for the big neighborhood festivities...I love living here on days like this. The whole group of families really kicks in and gives the kids a night to remember. These guys will be talking about tonight for at least a week or two depending on how long it takes that mountain of candy to disappear. Bring on the Kit Kats and dont forget momma likes 'em cold.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

...And He's Gone Again

It has been a wonderful 2 months of Big Papa being home...but time has flown by and now he has taken flight again.

Big Papa treated us like royalty while he was here. It all began with a night of being whisked away (just Scooter and me) to an awesome night of wining and dining at a little B&B. So Romantic We then gathered the kids and headed to the Outer Banks for some alone family time which became a vacation that will be etched in the kids hearts forever. 4 wheeling on the beach...pool and jacuzzi to ourselves...mansion of a house...horses grazing in the yard...beautiful weather...perfect vacation!!!

We then came home and celebrated 4 birthdays, two of which were spent at The Mills riding gocarts and winning jackpot on a chicken game and winning lots of prizes for everyone. Big Papa and I got another year older and threw money around like it was Monopoly money but wow was it a fun 2 months.

Now reality is here again, and life has my main squeeze in a distant land. I am missing him like crazy and counting down the days to his return. Be safe Scooter Boo...see ya soon...