Thursday, November 13, 2008

Please Pray!!!

To everyone who visits this site, I am asking you to please pray for our sweet Baby "L". Monday night he spiked a fever and we took him to the emergency room to discover that he possibly has bacterial meningitis. We do know that he has the bacteria growing in his blood and until they can perform a successful spinal tap to test the fluid for meningitis they have to treat him as if he does have it. He does seem to be getting better, however they are having to give him some very aggressive antibiotics and have tried unsuccessfully to retrieve any spinal fluid from him in the past 3 attempts of a spinal tap. Needless to say, poor Baby "L" is not happy with the world, and as any of you can imagine, me, his mommy (who is supposed to protect him at all cost) am feeling a little defeated by this sickness. Just please keep my sweet boy in your prayers.


Angell said...

I am praying and will keep praying. Please keep us posted!

Erin said...

I hope everything is going well now. I heard L was coming home from the hospital the day I was at S's house. How's he doing now? And are you guys all moved yet?