Friday, December 26, 2008

Little "O" Says Doctor

For anyone with children, waiting for your baby to talk is like watching to see water boil. You sit and you repeat things over and over and over trying to get that satisfaction of that one word and yet to no avail they refuse to say anything. Well up until a few days ago Little "O" vocabulary was limited to "ball, Daddy, Mommy, baby, sissy, and tea" did I mention his favorite word is ball. He says it ALL THE TIME!!! Well, the other night we were sitting down to our family pizza night and we were discussing the fact that "H" needed to go to the DOCTOR (which by the way is the meanest word you can say to "H"). Big Papa then said he needed to go to the DOCTOR as well for something he was dealing with. Then out of the blue this sweet little voice beside me shouted out "yeah DOCTOR"!!! I nearly fell in the floor with disbelief, but then he said it again and realized we would cheer for his new word and so this is what we caught on tape after this burst of brilliance....

1 comment:

sharon said...

that is really funny! he loves the applause! when everyone laughs, it sounds like a laugh track. so funny!