Saturday, July 31, 2010

100 Degrees...Lets Go To The Park...

On one of the hottest days this summer we decided to give ourselves heat exhaustion at the park!! Its funny how when you are at home and you tell the kids to go outside they say "It's too hot" but if you offer to take them to a park they get all excited and cant wait to sit in the 199 degree sun. We packed water and fruit snacks and headed on our way and by the end of our adventure this is where I found all my girls plus 2 neighbors who tagged along...and Lyndon. They were pretty as a picture and I just so happened to have my camera. But wait a minute...where's "O"?

...never giving into the heat Super "O" was polishing his muscles on this amazingly hard to handle jumpy thing. To be a little guy I thought he was controlling it pretty well. You go Super "O"!!! but next time take a little time to jump in the picture with your sisters so it doesnt look incomplete.

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