Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lunch at Brother "J"s

We went to my brothers for a going away lunch for Big Papa and we had a very relaxing, enjoyable time. The kids played and we enjoyed just being together with family.

Of course, whats a get together without cake and presents. Aunt "M" provided a cake and my parents provided a big bag of goodies that Big Papa would know how much everyone was thinking of him while he is gone. Ankle braces because we all know how much those things need some extra support, soap for those stinky sweaty days in the dessert, socks because we all know that if you love someone you want them to have warm socks on their feet, and so many more things that I would take up too much space listing them all. Thank you Mommy and Daddy for loving and caring for my Scooter Boo as much as I do. (OK almost as much)

And of course, it would just be wrong to go to my brothers house and not post a picture of their beautiful baby boy. Baby "J" is such a sweet spirited baby, how could you not want to just pick him up and kiss his sweet little cheeks. Thanks "J&M" for opening up your house and hosting such an enjoyable time together.

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