Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Here and Now

My friend does these things on her blog to catch people up on the happenings of life after not blogging for a little while...I hope she doesnt mind if I take that idea and run with it because I feel like I am really failing on this blogging thing lately...

1. We have gone swimming at least 4 days a week each week this summer.
2. Owen has become a little fish with his head underwater but his feet always
touching the bottom.
3. Hayden jumps off the diving board and swims like her daddy (we call it scary
4. Kiely, Bailey, and Fallon have perfected some acrobats under the water but
refuse to take their abilities to the deep end.
5. Devan actually swims quite well, but stays mad at me because I refuse to let
her go past 3ft for peace of mind sake.
6. Baby Irelyn loves the water so much that she falls asleep on me everytime.
Maybe its a womb thing.
7. We are getting ready to start school back in 2 weeks...yippee (Im being
8. Irelyn has been rolling and beginning to situp on her own...she is the
happiest baby ever, and has a smile for everyone. She sleeps through the
night and wakes up with a happy playful voice every morning. Its the best
way to start my day!
9. All the kids are really missing Big Papa and are ready for him to come home.
10. And me, well, Im enjoying this summer of just being Mommy and nothing else.
I have enjoyed my kids more in the past weeks than I have allowed myself in
a while. Removing the "teacher" role always helps me to find more joy in
my most important role of all...mommy! I have learned more about my kids
over the past few weeks than I learned all year. I learned that I have
amazing kids...not perfect...but amazing. I am a very blessed woman and am
praying that God will keep my eyes open to the awesomeness of each day I
am given to be with them!

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