Friday, April 4, 2008

Look Who's Walkin'

About a week and a half ago, Scooter was asking me when I thought Little "O" might start walking. Traditionally, our girls begin to walk between the 8th and 9th month. We were beginning to think this big tug of a boy was going to be like most babies and wait a while longer. Then, not even 2 days later I watched as that little booger let go of the couch and walked over to the coffee table as if he had been walking for weeks. I decided to test his ability, and sure enough he walked to me from the couch. Needless to say I couldnt wait to tell Big Daddy that our baby was walking. As you can imagine hearing is never as good as seeing, so that night we had a walking cheer-a-thon. You would have thought our baby boy had won the lottery, the way we were carrying on but hey a little cheering goes a long way in the field of encouragement. Little "O" now looks to see who is going to be his best cheerleader with each step he takes.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh, Jenn, he is PRECIOUS! And my goodness, how can he NOT walk early? He's got all those big sisters' stuff to get into!