Monday, March 10, 2008

Random Thoughts

Here's a little tidbit of info to spark some thought.

* 10 year olds are stuck in the middle of being too old and too young for almost everything
* did you know that 5 little girls sharing a bedroom induces slumber party affects every night?
* did you know that once you put all the girls in one room there is no turning back?
* by the way, I cant stand bunkbeds
* hey, did you know that ADD and dyslexia resemble each others symptoms?
* can you believe that I am just now seeing that I may have been dyslexic my entire life and just simply have passed it off as a laziness towards reading.
* did you know that my Scooter Boo is going to read this and think that I am diagnosing everybody with dyslexia just because we learned about it last night?
* did you know that when you homeschool your children you are always looking to find answers to the mysteries of teaching and learning difficulties?
* did you know that coffee runs freely through the veins of the telephone system connecting my house to my bff's house? (that means after our conversations I feel an awesome pick me up)
* did you know that if you go to Walmart too late in the afternoon your 3 year old will inevitably fall asleep in the car and then turn into a whiny monster when you wake her up to go inside.
* why dont I let her sleep? Because she wakes up at 3:00 am that night wide awake and talking.
* did you know that my 8 month old baby will laugh at my jokes even if he doesn't understand them?
* did you know that when you walk around Walmart with 6 children everyone wants to talk to you?
* did you know that everyone always tells the girls how sweet and well behaved they are? I must admit I couldnt take them all with me if they were any other way.
* did you know that sometimes I am just overwhelmed with love for my family and the life that we have. God is so good to us!


Erin said...

AMEN to the whiny monster in Walmart! Sometimes I have two of those at the same time and I always kick myself for thinking, "Oh, it'll only take me a minute" which always turns into at least an hour. I'll never learn.

sharon said...

I love it, you are so funny! And I get that same caffeine effect from talking to my bff too! how funny!