Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Circumcision!!!! OUCH!!!

Let me just say....I think this is the most barbaric ritual we as parents do to our little baby boys. My sweet Baby "L" had his done today and wow what a very upset baby I have tonight!!! I dont blame him at all. When you look at that exposed, swollen and raw looking thing it can make a grown woman go weak in the knees. I dont care if my sweet baby wants to stay in my arms all night just to recover from this trauma I will rock him into the wee hours of the night and be happy to be the comfort he needs. Even the air hitting it at each diaper change sets him into a panic and he turns purple and screams. My heart is breaking for him and I am so mad that I let myself fall prey to these seemingly stupid rituals. My Baby "L" was so happy and content this morning and then I handed him over to the butcher and now he is so not happy! I am praying his recovery is short and my ability to soothe him is great. I'm sorry Baby "L"!!!!

1 comment:

sharon said...

Lance says, "it's alot easier now when he won't remember it than when he's older and can remember it, so i've been told". ya'll did the right thing :)