Saturday, September 27, 2008

Thank You for the Prayers

Thanks for all the prayers that went up for "H"s heart appointment. It looks like she is good to go for another year...YIPPEE!!!! It is always funny to see the doctors and technicians reactions when they see her heart in action and how they cant figure how it can be so differently created but perfectly made for her. All I can say is that God's hands were holding Dr. D's hands as he performed her open heart surgery 10 years ago. Only The Creator Himself could take that broken heart and make it whole again. It beats to a different rhythm, but its the perfect rhythm for my "H". It is our prayer that God will grace us with good reports forever, and that she will be spared the need for anymore operations.

Thanks also to Nana for coming and caring for the other guys so we could spend this day with "H" and make it a special day for her. The girls played beauty shop with Nana and learned how to curl their hair to utter cuteness. (Something that I never get to do with them due to our usual time crunches) We then took a trip to the mall (yes with all 7 kids in tow) and ran through the rain over to the neighboring stores ......just another adventure in the life with me and my kids.....welcome to the way we roll Nana!

It was nice to have another pair of hands to bounce Baby "L" while I took care of all the other chaos in the house, not to mention the extra laundry that was washed while Nana was here. I promise Nana, next time you visit we will let you have a little R&R while we wait on you. Your help was very much appreciated even if my head was spinning too fast to really ever thank you, so Thank You!!!